Saturday, October 29, 2011

"I've searched all the parks in all the cities and found no statues of committees."

~ G. K. Chesterton

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day on Daily Life

"Today I thought of a title for my book, The Duty of Delight, as a sequel to The Long Loneliness.  I was thinking how, as one gets older, we are tempted to sadness, knowing life as it is here on earth, the suffering, the Cross.  And how we must overcome it daily, growing in love, and the joy which goes with loving."

~ Dorothy Day, February 24, 1961

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Individual Person

"Any well-regulated and productive association of men in society demands the acceptance of one fundamental principle: that each individual man is truly a person. His is a nature, that is, endowed with intelligence and free will. As such he has rights and duties, which together flow as a direct consequence from his nature. These rights and duties are universal and inviolable, and therefore altogether inalienable."
~Pope John XXIII, Encyclical "Pacem in Terris" 

Holy Fool

The "Holy Fool" is s/he who knows s/he doesn't know, and trusts God anyway!

Faith is ultimately not in figuring out the truth, but relating w/ God and trusting Him to reveal Himself in His own Good time!

Naked and In Harmony

The Garden of Eden was a place
"where all was naked and in harmony"
and the people
"were either loved very well at their center or who suffered very much around the edges, probably both."
~Rohr, Everything Belongs 

I feel that describes me!  Yet my life has not been the Garden of Eden!!

"In God's reign 'everything belongs,' even the broken and poor parts."

Because everything can be redeemed by God's Love.  (I don't know if Rohr would agree with my reason, but that's what I think.)